Wednesday, 21 September 2016

September 21, 2016

Today we had the pleasure of having the Lord Strathcona's Mounted Troop visit RBES.  It was amazing!  We began our day by visiting with Sam, an 8 year old horse. Then Soldier Ed came to our classroom and taught us all about the history of the Troop.  The whole school and many community members came together after recess to watch the Musical Ride and pet the horses.  You can click HERE to watch a video posted by RBES.  What a special experience. 

Students finished their sunflowers - wow!  This was our first attempt at watercolour, something that is quite tricky, and students did an amazing job; they turned out beautifully! 

In Math, we had our second day of learning about Math Workshops.  Students are attempting to build 10 minutes of stamina for At Your Seat, an independent activity.

- The RBES Parent Council meeting is this evening at 7pm. All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend!  Details can be found on Mrs. Kloschinsky's blog:
- We are seeking parents volunteers to donate Tasty Tuesday ingredients from January-June.  Please email if you are able to help out with one of the months.
- We are hoping to recruit a parent volunteer to organize the Scholastic book orders for our class. If you are interested, please email.

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