Thursday, 5 September 2019

September 5, 2019

Today the Grade 2s began their JUMP Math Unit Numbers to 10.  In this unit, students will review counting (this includes equating written numerals, quantities, spoken numbers, and numbers written as words). Students will also review the notion of one-to-one correspondence, or “pairing up”—for example, given a set of pencils and a set of erasers, there are the same number of pencils and erasers if you can pair the erasers with the pencils and are left with no unpaired pencils or erasers. This notion also leads naturally to the concepts of more, fewer, and less (in physical quantities as well as in number). Students will also review basic concepts of addition and subtraction, including adding and subtracting with zero. The focus of the unit is numbers from 0 to 10, although some questions involve numbers beyond 10.

Both classes learned a Math game called roll and draw, where they rolled a dice and drew the number of objects that was represented on the dice.

In the afternoon, students created their Stick Man Portrait.  They are available for viewing outside our classroom.  

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