In math students continued their exploration of repeating patterns and identifying pattern core. Using a variety of manipulative, they created a number of repeating patterns.
Miss Mullan lead students in an art project. They create wax crayon resist leaves using watercolours, crayons and sharpies. This art project will be on display in our classroom for the next week.
This afternoon, we talked about small moments - these are little, true, things that happen to us. Students were introduced to the steps to writing a small moment narrative:
1. Think of an idea (a thing you do, a thing that happened to you)
2. Plan (touch and tell, share, sketch)
3. Write (sentences, re-read, edit)
Each student created a short 4 sentences story today that was based on a small moment that he/she experienced.
- Fruit orders are due tomorrow.
- Home reading books and library books must be returned tomorrow.
- There is no school on Friday, it is a PD Day.
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