Wednesday, 13 June 2018

June 13, 2018

The end of the year is only 10 days away!  This morning we took year end photos.  Wow, have your little ones changed!

Today was our final day of Kimochi's day.  Some of the lessons we learned from the characters:
Bug - Be brave when you try new things. 
Cloud - Remember to control your emotions.
Cat - It's ok to be mad, it's not ok to be mean.
Huggtopus - It's ok to be silly when it's fun for everyone.  
Lovey Dove - Keep the peace. 

In Math, students completed a bar graph that represented the data they collected about favorite ice cream kinds yesterday.  Data collection and interpretation is a passion of mine and I love watching as the students learn about it. 

Did you know that spiders are not insects?  Today students learned the parts of an insect (head, thorax, abdomen, antennae and 6 legs) and what makes them different from spiders (number of body parts, legs and eyes). 

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