Congratulations to Grey, who was the 2D Student of the Week!
Way to go, 2C and 2D! You rocked your Patience Rap!!! Click HERE to watch the full length video of the performance.
Wow, the smoke from the fires in Northern Alberta was thick today, because of this, students were indoors for the majority of the day. Our thoughts are with all those affected by the fires.
After working diligently over the past several weeks to become addition with regrouping experts, today we launched into subtraction with regrouping.
In Science, we learned the names of the parts of an insect. Then researched the bee. Did you know that bees can live nearly anywhere in the world that there are flowers, but not in Antarctica!
We hope to see you all at assembly tomorrow for our P-A-T-I-E-N-C-E performance!
We had a great time outside today hunting for bugs. Students found caterpillars, ants, bees, beetles and a few other creepy crawlers.
Also the RBES track team has been hard at work over the past two weeks preparing for the Black Gold Track Meet. I wish to commend all dedicated athletes on their efforts; I know it is hard work!
Today student created colour poems, based on the book My Many Colored Days by Dr. Seuss.
In PE, Miss Coleman, lead an outstanding class of DrumFit! Thanks, Miss Coleman!
Tuesday - Multiples Day
Thursday - Last day to purchase 2018-2019 yearbooks
Friday - 2C and 2D perform at assembly, return home reading, word sort test. All PowerSchool fees must be paid, ensure $0 owing. Hot lunch orders for June are due, this includes DQ Blizzard Day.
Congratulations to Teagen, who was the 2D Student of the Week!
Soapstone day was a huge success! Thank you to Mrs. Howatt, who came and helped with the activity.
2D Students also enjoyed participating in Bike Day. Thank you to all of the parents who went above and beyond to ensure your child's bike and helmet were here today.
In Math, students are working on addition with regrouping. They are practicing using both the algorithm method and also manipulatives. Ask your child to solve this equation for you this evening: 36+28=___
Tomorrow is the RBES Thank You Drive Thru! I hope to see you all there! Without you amazing 2D volunteers, we could not do all of the fun Grade 2 trips and activities! YOU ROCK!!
Today in Science, we launched our final unit of the year. We talked about vertebrates and invertebrates. Students were amazed to leaern that a snake has bones! See if you can brainstorm unique and surprising animals which belong in each category.
All students need to bring their bikes and helmets tomorrow for bike day!! This is an on-school event, so no permission forms were required.
Please drop all bikes and helmets off on the south asphalt pad, at the rear of the school, at 8:20am. This is a one-day event, so all bikes must be picked up at 3:06pm tomorrow.
Welcome back! I enjoyed reading all about your weekend adventures! That was the final long weekend of the year and we are now nearing the end, with only 6 weeks of school left! We will be hard at work in Grade Two finishing off our curriculum and wrapping up our year.
Student enjoyed a delicious summer themed Tasty Tuesday today. Thank you to Ms. Taylor, who provided the ingredients for today's Beachy Bear Cookies.
In Math, students continued looking at increasing and decreasing patterns and learned how to create pattern rules.
It's official, our classroom repair/renovation is complete!! I can't wait to see the excited eyes on Tuesday when the students return after the long weekend!
Today we put on our best smiles for class photos!
Students created their first every cinquain poem today. Challenge your child to create one with you this evening.
In Science, our 2D fishermen were hard at work doing independent research about boats in preparation for their boat day on Friday. They want to ensure their boat can float, propel, and carry a load so it was essential that they learn about boat shapes, boat types, oat parts, and propulsion.
OH NO! 2D Fishermen have been devastated by the horrible spring storm that passed through our community of Meteghan. All of our boats have been destroyed and the livelihood of our families are on the line, as our income all comes from fishing! We have only one week to gain knowledge about boats and create a replacement vessel, so that we can get back on the water and earning a living. Today we discussed our community, Meteghan, the bodies of water, and the marine wildlife in the area.
- Tuesday - Class Photo Day
- Wednesday - Bringing Home a SPECIAL SECRET GIFT
- Friday - Bike Safety and Helmet Check
- Friday - Boat Day (12:00-3:06)!!! Thank you in advance to the volunteers
Congratulations to Gavin, who was the 2D Student of the Week!
It was Hats on For Mental Health today!
This morning we had the pleasure of having Mr. John read to us. Thank you to the Devon Lions Club for coming to read to our students and also for your generous donations of books!
In Math, students determined the closest ten by using distance on a number line.