I was away today at a professional development session on Concept Based Curriculum. It was a fabulous day of learning alongside Grade 2 and 3 teachers from around the division.
Today students created their part of the school-wide collaborative art project. I can't wait to share the finished product!
RBES kicked off Education Week with a delicious pancake breakfast! A special thank you to our Education Week Committee: Mrs. Mullen, Mrs. Nuttall, and Mrs. Stanski.
In Math, we began a unit on skip counting and estimating. Oral skip counting is a strategy we work on daily as part of our morning math activities. This base knowledge will be extremely useful as we dive more deeply into this concept.
We are excited to have many amazing things happening at RBES during Education Week.
Congratulations to Jace, who was the 2D student of the week!
Today was Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs Book Launch Day!! Student authors visited kindergarten and shared their published masterpieces with our neighbours in Mrs. Garlough's class. In the afternoon, we celebrated our book launch by having a movie afternoon! What an amazing culmination to our writing project.
Today we culminated our month long study of Saskatoon with Saskatoon Day! Students rotated through three stations: dream catchers, clay art, and Ukrainian food. Thank you to all of the parents who joined us today and helped make our afternoon a success!
We have been working on fitness stations during Phys. Ed. These are an excellent way to strengthen the core!
Students created their CWACOMB cover pages today. Only 2 days until the official book launch!!!
Today was Tasty Tuesday! We created a delicious and healthy Frog-wich. This is a tasty and fun lunch item that students could independently pack for their school lunch. Thank you to Mrs. St. Louis for the donation of the ingredients.
Students received their first draft of their CWACOMB stories back from the publisher today. They diligently combed through the documents in search of errors and places where they could add juicy details to the writing.
We had a special visitor today! Right in the middle of yoga, in hopped the Easter bunny! Following his visit, students enjoyed creating Easter colouring using Quiver.
Many students had a blast this afternoon at the cake walk. Sadly, no 2D students were cake winners, but oodles of giggles and screams were had! The cake walk will continue this evening at the Family dance!!
All good things must come to an end, after a fun month visiting Saskatoon, we have completed our study of this community. Today, students began reviewing the content that they have learned. Tomorrow, they will be bringing home their Travel Journals and spinners to share their learning with you.
Students also wrapped up a brief review unit on measurement (length and mass).
In Phys. Ed., students culminated their Week of TriSchool by completing a Triathlon.
In our measurement review unit, student calculated mass and ordered the objects measured from lightest to heaviest. They also compared weights of objects using nonstandard units of measurement.
It's Tri School Week!!! RBES welcomes Coach Luis, who will be leading the students through three days of triathlon learning. For more information on this amazing program, click HERE.
Today in Math, students demonstrated their knowledge of the concept of measuring length by using paper clips and unifix cubes to measure 4 different objects. They then ordered these objects from shortest to longest.
Students are hard at work today writing the final paragraph for their CWACOMB stories! The engagement and excitement that surrounds this project is amazing! The 2D authors are working hard to meet all of their deadlines in preparation for their Book Launch Celebration on April 26th.
This month is full of short weeks! I hope your families enjoy the long weekend. Tomorrow all BGRS teachers will be focused on developing our teaching practice at a variety of professional development sessions being offered around the division.
Learning to measure is fun! Students worked collaboratively to measure different objects around RBES. In Grade 2, students use nonstandard units of measure to develop an understanding of the concept of measurement and also to develop solid techniques in which to measure objects. This is a review unit, in which we will extend prior learning by adding in the concepts of estimation and ordering.
Students wrote another CWACOMB paragraph today. These stories are shaping up to be extremely entertaining pieces of writing. There is a lot of buzz surrounding the release of these published works and the authors are becoming very excited to share their stories with the public.
The Ukrainians of Saskatoon are known for their incredibly beautiful and intricate art, including: pottery, paintings, woodwork, and pysanky. Mrs. Kloschinsky stopped by today during this lesson and shared photos of several pysanky created by a family member. They were breathtaking! Students played roll a pysanky and also created pysanky online.
Everyday, we are finding new ways to embrace our temporary environment. Definitely our favourite time of day is Daily 5, where students have tremendous space to spread out and engage with literature!
Today we discussed Ukrainian dance and dress. Ainsley volunteered and looked beautiful dressed in Mrs. Suter's Ukrainain dance costume.
Congratulations to Creston, who was the 2D Student of the Week!
In morning Math, students have been developing their knowledge of fact families and the communicative property.
Throwing, striking, and catching are the focus skills in Physical Education this week. Students will develop these skills through the use of scoops, badminton rackets, and cricket bats.
One of the new activities we have implemented since relocating has been the Author Chair. Students choose any book from the library, rehearse, audition, and then perform for their classmates. It has been an amazing opportunity to enjoy the many children's books we are surrounded by.
In Math, the focus is adding/subtracting 10 to/from two digit numbers between 10 and 99. Students use multiple strategies, including counting on by 10, rods/cubes, and the 100s chart to solve both addition and subtraction equations.
Welcome back!! I hope everyone had an amazing spring break!
We are still in our temporary location and will be here for at least another month. We're excited to be working alongside Mrs. Caudron and are extremely grateful that she is sharing her space with us!!! We are also grateful for the construction and restoration crews, who worked hard over the break to complete the demolition; now it's time to dry out the space and then construction can begin!