Monday, 30 January 2017

January 30, 2017

The Grade 1s began their day by creating ice sculptures.  Thank you to Ms. Shah for volunteering to help with this event!

Today was extra exciting in gym, as Mr. Larson assisted students as they explored hand stands and teddy bear stands and rolls!  

In Math, we created Shape Books.  Ask your child to read you theirs this evening.

- The 1-2E February Newsletter is now posted..  
- Tomorrow is a PD Day, there is NO SCHOOL!
- Wednesday is early dismissal, students will be dismissed at 2:21pm.
- Wednesday is ALBERTA WINTER WALK DAY.  Students are asked to dress warm (jackets, snow pants, toques and mittens).  Complete details are available HERE. If you would like to join us, please meet in our classroom at 12:40, we are scheduled to depart at 12:45 and walk for approximately 45 minutes. Please ensure you log into Powerschool and complete your child's permission form.  

Thursday, 26 January 2017

January 26, 2017

Unfortunately I have been away for the past two days, but I heard that the 1-2E students were fabulous for the sub!  Way to go!! 

A special THANK YOU to all of the amazing parent/aunt/grandparent volunteers this week!  It is because of each one of you that our skating week was a success!!!  

Important Information for Winter Ice Sculpture Day

On Monday, January 30th, the Grade 1 classes will be making coloured ice sculptures to celebrate winter.

Grade 1 parents, please freeze at least TWO (but it would be great if you could do more) 2 litre milk cartons of brightly coloured water and bring it to school on the morning of January 30th. Note: Any Grade 2 parents who would like to lend a hand by sending ice are welcome to do so - I am sure you all remember how much your children enjoyed this activity last year!!

We will be putting the coloured ice blocks together and building one ice sculpture for our whole class.  The more ice blocks, the better, so please send as many as you can.

Please note that plastic milk containers CANNOT be used for this project.

We are also seeking two or three parents to help that morning with cutting the cartons off the ice blocks.  We will be doing the ice sculpture as soon as we get to school that day.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

January 24, 2017

I had a blast today with the students during skating.  I am incredibly proud of how well they are all doing.  Skating is new to many of our little ones, however, their positive attitudes and growth mindset are evident in the supportive comments I am hearing and also their desire be adventurous and to try.  

Monday, 23 January 2017

January 23, 2017

Thank you to the fabulous parents who came out to the first day of skating to tie skates and join our class on the ice.  A giant shout out to Ms. Shah, who took photos of the students on the ice.

Our new unit in Math, focuses on 2D shapes.  Students enjoyed playing a game of BINGO today as a launch activity.

Note:  Students are welcome to leave their skates at school for the week.  

Friday, 20 January 2017

January 20, 2017

Congratulations to Brooklyn, who was the 1-2E Student of the Week!

Remember your skates, CSA approved helmet, snow pants and mittens for skating on Monday.  

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

January 18, 2017


Today we launched our commitment to the Oilers Energize Challenge!  Students have committed to participating in 60 minutes of physical activity per day.  Each night, students are asked to record their physical activity minutes from the home; this can include: sports, sledding, skating, walking to/from school, physical play, etc.  

Reminder that tonight (6:30) is the Fundraising/Parent Council meeting, everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. 

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

January 17, 2017

Today Grade 2 students completed their January reading assessments.  I am incredibly proud of how far they have come.  The best way to become a voracious reader is to practice reading a lot!  The more we practice, the more accurate we become and the better we are able to comprehend.  Students are encouraged to read for 15 minutes every night and to use the retelling rope to retell the main ideas in the story.  

In Science, the Grade 2s continued their exploration of magnetism.  They discovered that the magnetic force was able to pass through all of the materials on their list.  

In Gym this month, students are exploring movement through the Gymnastics unit.  It is entertaining to watch the cautious locomotion, balances and jumps.  

Tasty Tuesday was FISHY today - students made Cereal Sushi!  Thank you to Ms. Shah for donating the ingredients for this fun activity.   

Monday, 16 January 2017

January 16, 2017

The Grade 2s went on their first field trip of the year today!!  This morning, they boarded the bus and headed to Edmonton, to spend the day at the Telus World of Science.  

For the Grade 1s, today was Senses Day!  We spent the whole day exploring our 5 senses: tasting, smelling, touching, seeing and hearing.

We also had a visit from the Dental Hygienist today!!  A special thank you to Horizon Orthodontics for the fantastic Plaque Attach Bags that each student is getting to bring home tonight.      

Weekly reminders:
- We are still in need of volunteers for skating next week, please email if you are able to assist.  Our current volunteer list is available HERE
- I only post a could photos online from each day - more photos are stored on our Photo Gallery page.
- Wednesday is Beach Day!

Saturday, 14 January 2017

Skating Volunteers

THANK YOU to our amazing volunteers for their support of our skating program!  If any additional volunteers wish to lend a hand, please email me directly, we welcome all extra hands for this week-long physical education activity.   

On Ice
Skate Tying
January 23 (M)
Ms. Shah & Auntie Kayla
Ms. Shah & Auntie Kayla 
January 24 (T)
Mrs. Tatchell & Mr. Courtemanche
Mrs. Tatchell, Mrs. Wagner & Mr. Courtemanche & Grandpa Reynolds
January 25 (W)
11:10 -11:45
Auntie Kayla & Mrs. Wagner
Mrs. Wagner 
January 26 (Th)
Auntie Kayla
Auntie Kayla & Grandpa Reynolds

We will arrive at the rink about 15 minutes prior to our scheduled skating time.  If volunteers can arrive 15 minutes early to assist with skate tying, it would be appreciated.  Skating volunteers are encouraged to wear helmets. 

Also, please remember to log into Powerschool and complete the online permission form for your child.

Thursday, 12 January 2017

January 12, 2017

Congratulations to Makaylah, the 1-2E Student of the Week!

After a whole week of being indoors, today we were overjoyed when the temps rose and we could go outside at lunch recess.  Students were even more excited to go out for Free Time Friday during Healthy Hearts- having the whole playground to ourselves is always a hit.  There is nothing better for the soul than a little sunshine and fresh air!  We are looking forward to nicer weather next week.  

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

January 11, 2017

The Grade 2s are having a blast with our newest Science Unit.  Today they went "fishing" to learn about what types of materials are attracted to a magnet.  The biggest surprise of the day was the pipe cleaner!   

In Math, the Grade 1s are busy finishing off their unit on numbers to 20, while the Grade 2s are continuing to strengthen their estimation skills.  

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

January 10, 2017

Today, our classroom was turned into a operating room, as our 13 Word Surgeons successfully completed 7 contraction-ectomyw each!  It was entertaining to watch as students transformed two words into a contraction.

The Grade 2s learned about 4 different types of magnets that we will be using this unit: the cow magnet, circle/ring magnet, bar magnet and horseshoe magnet.    

Monday, 9 January 2017

January 9, 2017

Welcome back!  

Students were hard at work today.  They wrote amazing stories about their Christmas vacation and then shared them with their classmates.

In Math, we are in the process of wrapping up our numbers units.  Students played double digit war today and also made numbers using numerals, addition sentences, tallies and rods/cubes.

Today, students learned about the Making 10 basic fact strategy and played "What Number Am I", this is a simple review activity that can be played at home using a deck of cards (with the face cards removed).

This week in Daily 5, we will be focusing on two strategies.  Comprehension (Gr.1&2): Check for Understanding using the Story Retelling Rope and Accuracy (Gr.1): Blend Sounds, Stretch and Reread.  Information on these two strategies is coming home today.  I encourage you to read through the papers and practice these during home reading. 

- There will be no Word Sorts this week, however Home Reading and Rainbow Words have commenced.  
- Early Dismissal is on Wednesday.  Students will be dismissed at 2:21.